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Interactive Group Workshops

The Goal is Growth!

Workshops provide opportunities for learning new approaches which can be applied immediately as you return to your


I offer a wide range of Interactive Group Workshops and am happy to customize one for your group. Below you will find a listing of my most popular Workshops and Seminars available.

(Key: E=educators, A=administrators, C=counselors, P=parents)


Effective Interventions for the Child who Struggles with Focusing – In addition to (or as an alternative to) medications for ADHD and other attentional concerns, there are a multitude of tools and compensatory strategies available to enhance success in the home and in the classroom. These can be seamlessly integrated into most environments and help all involved feel a little more triumphant. (E, C, A, or P) – From 1 ½ to 4 hours


Assert not Desert - (Elementary) Practical  lessons for encouraging children to assert themselves rather than give up or give in is the focus of this workshop. Use of songs, movement and activities bring these skills home to the hearts of children. (E, C, A, or small group facilitation) – From 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours


Bully Busting: Be C.O.O.L. (Control of One’s Own Life) – Bullying is a prevalent problem in today’s schools and playgrounds. As a community, it is important to help our children to develop skills to stand up to these bullies. Whether victim, bully, or onlooker – strategies are available to promote healthier interactions. (E, C, A, P or small group facilitation) – From 2 to 4 hours


Empathy: Can it Be Developed? – After 30 years of working in education and counseling, I believe empathy to be one of the more difficult skills to instill in people. It often seems to be an “either you have it or you don’t” mentality. Though we can’t change an entire personality, there are ways to develop empathy. (E or C) – From 1 ½ to 2 hours


Diverse Populations, Diverse Needs - Diversity isn’t just “black or white,” but includes race, gender, socioeconomic status, disability and other cultural differences. Is your environment embracing the unique needs of your population? How do you build positive interactions with and talk to those who are “different”?(E, C, or A) From 2 to 6 hours


The Gift of Self-Esteem - Building self-esteem can seem an impossible task for many working with our youth today.  The key resides in developing resiliency, worthiness and competency.  We provide the stepping stones; the path chosen is up to them.  (P) From 1 ½ to 4 hours


FOCUS Friendships, Owning Choices, Understanding Self are components of  learning to focus when learning. Distractions or excuses in any of the above areas can move our students into an intellectual  wasteland.  Facilitating small groups which concentrate on developing FOCUS skills strengthen student success. (C or small group facilitation) From 1 ½ to 4 hours


Responsible and Reliable - Learn how to help your child become more responsible, solve problems, develop self-discipline and follow through on their commitment through use of family meetings,  power-thinking and accountability.  (P) From 2 to 4 hours


Decisions, Decisions - As parents or educators, we are often frustrated with the decisions our youth make. Though we cannot guarantee healthy final decisions, we can teach steps to lead our children in that direction. The acronym P.L.A.N. gives four tools for wise decision making.  (E, C, P or small group facilitation) From 2 to 4 hours


Parenting: Tricks of the Trade - Almost every job in the world provides training, except one: the job of parenting. Learn some “tricks” for handling typical kid-problems, giving choices and consequences,  unhooking from a power struggle and tackling tough topics. (P or C) From 2 to 4 hours


The Big Five - In African safari circles, the Big 5 relates to the five most desired animals to catch on camera or in rifle-scope. In educational counseling, the Big 5 refers to five essential life skills to reinforce in each classroom. (E, C or A) From 1 ½ to 3 hours


Sibling Rivalry: Surviving the Fight without Killing the Kids - When do we intervene? How much is enough? What can I do to lessen the love/hate cycle? These questions, as well as real-life scenarios, will be addressed through teaching, discussion and practice. (P) From 2 to 3 hours


How to Get Your Mads Out: Helping Children Handle Anger -  Anger is a normal emotion, not to be labeled as bad or good. What we do with that anger, however, is critical. Understanding the anger cycle and creating healthy choices for anger release are important for maintaining safety and support in the midst of anger expression. (P, C or E)  From 2 to 4 hours


Attachment Disorder in Children- Do you have a child who pushes love away...   who lies or steals...         or who turns everything into a battle?  These are not just some of the phases in teenage growth years but possible signs of compromised or disrupted attachment. In this workshop, we will tackle how to recognize the signals of failing attachment and address these problems at home and/or in the classroom. (E, C,  A or P) Personal Experience … From 2 to 5 hours


Cut it Out - The pains of growing up are often evidenced in youth today through self-injurious behavior. Cutting, burning, scratching are common attempts to alter a mood state by inflicting tissue damage to one’s own body. Developing healthy coping strategies to help our children confront and deal with their emotional and physical stresses is paramount to stronger resiliency in youth. (C, A or P) From 1 ½  to 3 hours


Counseling the Military Child - With increased numbers of military deployments, we recognize the need to provide intensive support to those left behind. Exploring the needs of children during the deployment cycle and providing strategies to address these needs gives a community a way to directly impact our military families. (C or small group facilitation) From 2 to 5 hours


To Talk or Not to Talk - Developing effective communication skills with our children is essential, especially if your child is a teenager. Critical to deciding whether to say something is looking at the “extraneous” information: Boy or girl? Teen or youth? Safety and timing? Personality and energy? Once those things have been considered, the answer to talk or not to talk becomes more apparent. (P, C) From 1 ½ to 4 hours


Taming the Homework Monster - Homework is often painful for child and parent alike. This workshop offers suggestions and interventions for easing the pain. Additionally creative approaches to memory work and test preparation will be offered. (E, A, C, or P) From 1 ½ to 4 hours


Getting the Most from Your Family Relationships - What habits create effective families? What insights help build relationships parent-to-child and child-to-child? Words from authors such as Stephen Covey and Steven Vannoy will be incorporated into this idea-collage.




Available for individual or small group consultation upon request.

Will counsel small student groups in your school.



(Each of the following teachings can be as short as 45 minutes or as long as a weekend retreat. The starred messages may also be developed into 8 to 10 lessons.)


Problems as Perspective-Lifters-   It’s easy to be taken  down into the pit of discouragement when the unexpected happens, but can we also see problems as God-given opportunity for eternal glory? Practicing the presence of God in the midst of struggles is a task which produces more healing than practicing the presence of problems. It’s time to live above your circumstances.


He Speaks in Love Tones - Conviction, yes! Condemnation, no! God whispers to His children with tones of grace and love, not derision and disgust but do we hear His message?


Love That Grows – Using the works of popular and godly marriage experts such as Jimmy Evans, Gary Smalley and Emerson Eggerich, we will examine the ought-tos of a healthy marriage. It is to His honor we stand against the odds of our society and establish healthy and binding covenant ties.


Praying Power - Why pray? Does it really make a difference? What about fasting or praise with prayer? Is there a right way to pray?? Asking these hard questions helps us to understand the power of one pray-er and reminds us we are better vessels under the Potter’s hands.


Getting to the Finish Line- In the Christian life, our journey might be compared to a race- a hard race where the training takes great effort, and not all of those in the crowd will cheer you on. Nevertheless, the Trainer runs alongside and the promised prize is invaluable. How do we train for the race of a lifetime?  What do we do when we hit a wall? Are we assured of the prize? These questions and others will be addressed in this workshop.


Dating in Marriage - Joined in marriage and a lifelong covenant, we can let our anxieties about finding the right one go, but letting go of our search does not mean letting go of dating. Keeping your love fresh and exciting suggests an even greater commitment to dating- this time with your spouse.


Overwhelmed but Under Care - When life’s circumstances feel overwhelming, we must move beyond these circumstances to an attitude of joy and emotional health. By managing our stress levels to stay positive and prioritizing in the midst of a demanding lifestyle, we can make our life experience more useful for His kingdom.


Thank You, God, But I Have Quite Enough Character - God tells us to “count it all joy when you encounter various trials” recognizing that through such suffering we develop perseverance and character. Undoubtedly though, we think God has often confused us with someone who can handle all the “tough stuff” and we long for some respite.  Nevertheless, God has a plan to teach us as we walk with

Suffering and He watches her develop our character.


Does God Really Heal? -  Many times we stand boldly before God asking for healing for a loved one, a friend, a co-worker, yet nothing seems to change. We begin to entertain distracting thoughts about God’s love, His “favorites” or even His desires. The “but God…” follows as we make our case and recite His own promises back to Him. Still the prayers continue. What do we do when God doesn’t say yes?


Day-to-Day Faith Living - The joy and passion of the faithful attract us as we watch their hearts join with Christ in an intimacy we too desire. For some, it is discipline, for others it is relationship, and for yet other believers it is the spiritual fruit that ripens as we watch. Ultimately, faith-walking brings honor to the God who has it all in control.


The Heart as Center of Existence - Hundreds of Scriptures reflect on the heart but this one thing we know for certain: God knows our heart! He knows its desires, its mystery, and its deceit and He longs for it to grow.  He kneads our heart, we need His.


His Will: Am I In It? - God’s will seems elusive at times. Am I doing as God would like? Which is the right decision? Where do I go from here? By considering God’s words and by following the life-examples of godly men, we recognize that His will is not really elusive at all.


I AM…  - In Exodus 3:14, God tells Moses to say that “I AM has sent me.” Like Moses, we wonder what that means. I AM… what? I AM… who? So much of our life experience directs us to the answer to this query. God wants us to know I AM whatever you need. Exploring all that He is helps us to better understand “I AM who you say I AM.”*


I’m Doing a Great Work - The first 6 chapters of Nehemiah helps seekers to tackle the order of priorities. Committed to completing the task he believed God to have directed him in, Nehemiah refuses to be distracted from his great work. Standing strong in God-directed priorities enables us to say no to other things.


God Always Shows Up - In the story of Daniel, God proves over and over that He cares about His children. Believing that God is present each time you call upon Him sustains faith and empowers our prayer life.



HOSPITAL WORKSHOPS – From ½ hour to 2 hours

Medical or Hospital


Amputations: The Bigger Picture – The journey from grappling with the initial impact of an amputation to wholeness is much more than an acquisition of a prosthesis. The process of healing moves beyond the physical realm to an emotional, social and spiritual experience. Providing resources and supporting patients as they go through the stages of grief acknowledges the whole person.


It’s the Little Things - Skill, experience and training bring great assurance to a patient, but it’s the little things that bring comfort. Approaching each individual with desire to consider the whole person moves treatment from a “triage” to a “triumph.” Whether a 20-minute appointment or hospitalization, your staff can make a difference.


CNA’s: The Backbone of Healthcare - Taught to meet the basic needs of patients, CNA’s also have the power to lift spirits as well as bodies, change outlooks as well as bedpans, and take interest as quickly as temperatures. CNA’s are truly essential personnel and as such should recognize their potential for moving a patient toward wellness.


The Emotional Part of Healing - Healing, by most standards, is considered a physical phenomenon, but research and personal experience show that by acknowledging basic emotions and facilitating the processing of those emotions overall healing comes more rapidly. Listening, questions and laughter are three tools to encourage the forward movement of patients.



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