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My story involves a wild combination of personal experiences, book-learning and real-life opportunities for growth. This started when I was diagnosed at 18 months old with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and continued through 60 surgeries, including the loss of an elbow and a below-the-knee amputation on my right leg. I went through school "being different," experiencing the pangs of those differences. Thankfully I was surrounded by a great support system in my family and friends as well as a consistent, loving God. Nevertheless, I struggled with God. I asked Him about the whys of loss, and sought the answers to the hows of moving forward. 

I became passionate about learning, friendships, family and other cultures. I loved exploring... everything! I traveled to other countries, married a wonderful man, adopted and raised a delightful daughter (though she wasn't always so delightful       ), sought out adventure and found strength to tackle tough circumstances.  That was put to the test when I lost my husband due to an unexpected brain bleed. But as in most of life's journeys, the sun came out again. I decided to re-institute my own private practice and share the lessons learned. For myself and my clients, GRACE has become my byword.

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